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Deploy Exercise 11: Steps to Set Up a Transformation Rule


Use the Windows Authentication login to Create Transformation Rules in the Deploy Client

  • Create a Rule named Dev-to-QA-Machines
  • Within the Rule, create two Job: Machine Name Transformations
    • Transform the OpCon-Dev machine to OpCon-QA
    • Transform the Susevm1 machine to Susevm


Create a simple Transformation Rule that will allow you to change Machine Names in Jobs from Schedules imported from the OpConTraining Environment to Machines available in the OpCon-Dev Environment when Deploying to the OpCon-Dev Environment

  1. Open the Deploy Client using the Windows Authentication login
  2. Click on the Create/Edit link in the Transformation Rules section
  3. Select the Add button to enable the ability to enter information into the various text boxes
  4. Give the Transformation Rule a name by typing Dev-to-QA-Machines in the Name text box
  5. Add a description such as, Will Convert the Machines Names in the Dev Env to Correct Names for the QA Env, to the Description text box
  6. To add the list of Transformations, click the green + button - This will open the Create or Edit a Transformation screen
  7. From the Tag ID dropdown list select Job: Machine Name
  8. In the Current Value textbox enter OpCon-Dev
  9. In the New Value text box enter OpCon-QA
  10. Click the Save button
  11. Now add a second transformation that will transform the Machine Name in Jobs that have a Machine Name of Susevm1 to the Machine Name available in the OpCon-QA Environment which is Susevm
  12. Once the second Transformation has been created, click the Save button on the View or Edit Transformation Rules screen to save this new Rule
  13. Click the Close button to close out this screen